Date: 29 February 2000
To: RichMailList
Subject: [RichMailList 249]: Rich Live

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Rich Mullins LIVE - Lufkin, Texas
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Ever since Rich went home to be with the Father, two questions have been asked more than any other. "Will there be a live concert video released?" and "How can I get a copy of the song 'Madeline's Song'?" Now both of those questions can be answered in the positive. "Madeline's Song" is included in the performance recorded live (parts of which were included in the "Homeless Man video"), and now released in it's entirety on this tape.

In the late summer of 1997, Rich Mullins and the Kid Brothers, along with the members of This Train, performed a concert at Carpenter's Way Baptist Church in Lufkin, Texas. It had been a long, hot summer of touring. Rich was between records and anticipating the new partnership with Myrrh Records. This visual document catches Rich in a time of great transition. It was recorded to show on a big screen during the performance. No one at that time could have imagined that the tape would be of one of the last live concerts Rich performed. Excerpts from this concert are seen in The Homeless Man Video, from Myrrh. Many people have requested a copy of the concert and thanks to the folks in Lufkin and some others, here it as.

A few words of warning. . .this tape was never intended to be used for reproduction or broadcast so it's a little rough around the edges. That's the most appropriate way to watch a Rich Mullins concert anyway. Rich always tried hard to keep the focus on God and group participation, rather than on himself. In fact, that was the charm in an evening with Rich Mullins and friends...anything could happen. He had powerful and inspiring stories, songs of depth and compassion.

Hidden in the context of such an enjoyable time together was Rich's uncanny angle on spreading the Good News. He was always pointing those that would Iisten toward the God of grace and love. We believe this is a message that cannot be repeated enough. Rich was an ambassador for Jesus, in addition to being a little rough around the edges himself. For that reason, we are making this concert video available to others, with the flaws left in.

We would like to give a special thank you to Ben Pearson for all his loving efforts that guided this project from middle to end and certainly the generous people of Carpenter's Way Baptist Church.

As you watch, we pray that you enjoy and feel challenged to walk closer to God. It is also our prayer that you not consider the singer/songwriter, but instead consider Christ. And as we were always encouraged to do... "BE GOD's."

Click here for Trish Patterson's review of the video on The Phantom Tollbooth

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